
New news! Hlife development has stopped because I am dedicating my energies to golly---which has an integral hashlife algorithm with a full GUI! Check it out, download it, enjoy it!

New news! A new version is here and it is about three times faster on very large memory runs.

This tar file contains source and executables for hlife, a fast, memory-efficient version of hash life written in C, and hdraw, a program for exploring very large life universes on Windows and X11.

The readme says

hlife, hdraw 0.96 by Radical Eye Software.

Just an implementation of Gosper's hash life in C.  Makes efficient
use of memory, includes garbage collection so the patterns can go
further for the same amount of memory, and includes a fast X11 and
windows display program so you can browse your huge universes.

Executables for Linux/i386 and win32 are included.

  hlife [-i increment] [-m maxgen] [-r rules] [-o outfile]
        [-M maxmem] [-q] [-2] lifefile

  hdraw [-i increment] [-m maxgen] [-r rules] [-o outfile]
        [-M maxmem] [-q] [-2] lifefile

The lifefile can be in either RLE or Alan Hensel's Life format 1.05 or
1.06, or in my macrocell format.

The program operates in four modes, depending on which combination of
-i and -m are specified:

 -i  -m
 No  No   Run forever, and generate all generations that are a
          power of two.  Unless invoked via hdraw, in which case
          it just displays the given lifefile on the screen.
 No  Yes  Go to maxgen (need not be a power of two).  It cannot go
          directly there if maxgen is not a power of two since each
          increment must be a power of two presently; instead, it
          gets there by breaking maxgen into powers of two and taking
          each step separately.
 Yes No   Run forever generating every increment generations; the
          increment must be a power of two.  The -o option is ignored
          in this mode.
 Yes Yes  Generate every increment generations until the generation
          number is equal to or greater than maxgen; the increment
          must be a power of two.

Both increment and maxgen can be specified as a very long decimal
number (such as 1234123412341234123412341234) or as a power of two
with the notation 2^100.  Note that you must use 2^^100 on Windows
since otherwise it gets interpreted as just 2100; don't ask me why.

The -2 option overrides the selection of modes from the -i/-m options
above and just says, only compute power of two intervals (as in
the No/No option above), but you can combine it with a -i (interval
to start with) and -m (stop if it gets this far).  The -2 -i
combination is useful because sometimes the smaller powers of two
take a long time to compute and reset the hash compared to the
larger powers of 2; the -2 -m option is good when you don't want
hashlife to totally run away which it frequently does.

The rules can be specified as S23B3 or just 23/3 or b3s23 (for
instance); only eight-neighbor outer totalistic rules are supported
(although this is easily changed).

The outfile is always written in macrocell format (the patterns
often have more than a billion cells, much too large for either
RLE or Hensel's format).

The maxmem is specified in megabytes (approximately).  The program
does not guarantee that it will not exceed this value, but it will
make every effort.  In general, you should specify a value that is
probably about 30M less than your machine has to leave memory for
the operating system.  But try it out with various values; if your
machine doesn't start swapping excessively, you're probably doing
fine.  You should probably never specify a value larger than the
total physical memory your machine has or you will probably swap for

The -q option says not to compute the population count at every

On some patterns this program works very very well (breeder,
puftrain, metacatacryst) but on some it works very poorly
(linepuf2); on these latter patterns a normal life program (such
as my very fast qlife) will work much better.

Screen Output

As the program runs, it generates some screen output.  The meaning
of the output is as follows:

>> 1,024 3,993        This means generation 1024 has population 3993.
{1331->9993}        The hash table increased in size from 1331 to 9993 entries.
<13>                The program had to flush the results from 13 nodes.
[99:13]             The program performed a GC and took memory usage from
                    99% down to 13%.
[->foo]             The program wrote output file foo.

Sample Usage (assumes you have Alan Hensel's pattern library)

   hlife -m 2^3000 pat/BREEDER.LIF

Generates the 2^3000th generation of pat/BREEDER.LIF and prints its

   hlife -m 1000000000 -o breeder.mc pat/BREEDER.LIF

Generates the 1,000,000,000th generation of breeder (with
1,302,084,180,212,404 cells) and places the output in the file
breeder.mc.  The output is only about 52K in size; it would
be thousands of terabytes in RLE, and even larger in Hensel's

   hdraw breeder.mc

Display that pattern on the screen.

   hlife -i 2^30 pat/BREEDER.LIF

Display every 2^30th generation of breeder.  This will go very fast.

   hlife -o breeder.mc pat/BREEDER.LIF

Generate every power of two generation of BREEDER.LIF, and put the
output in files breeder.mc-0, breeder.mc-1, etc.  This will fill up
your disk very quickly with breeder.mc* files if you are not careful.

   hlife -m 2^30 -M 60 metacatacryst

Generate metacatacryst generation 2^30 using at most 60M of memory.
This will garbage collect a few times.

Display Program Usage

To use the display program hdraw, simply invoke

   hdraw lifefile

You can also give all of the hlife options, in which case hdraw will
perform the computation just as hlife would before display.

Once the window opens, you can use the arrow keys to pan, and + (or =)
and - to zoom around.  If the screen appears blank, hit - a few times
to zoom out until some portion of the pattern appears.  You can also
click with the mouse to zoom in the area where you click.

It is great fun to explore fractal-like patterns (such as metacatacryst)
using hdraw.


To compile these programs on Unix (typically):

cc -O -o hlife hlife.c
cc -O -o hdraw hdraw.c -L /usr/X11R6/lib -lX11

On Windows:

cl hlife.c
cl hdraw.c user32.lib gdi32.lib

Macrocell Format

The format of the macrocell file is just a listing of the
macrocell nodes, one node per line.  The first line specifies the
macrocell format with

[M1] comment

Every subsequent line is a node, starting with the node numbered one
and proceeding sequentially.

Each node has a level; this is the log base 2 of the number of bits
on the edge that that node has.  Level 3 nodes (8x8) are represented
as one-line pictures consisting of the characters '.' (off cell), '*'
(on cell), and '$' (end of line).  Level 4 and above nodes are
represented by five numbers:

lev nw ne sw se

where lev is the level and nw, ne, sw, and se are the node numbers of
the children in the northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast
respectively.  If any node number is zero, this indicates that that
child node is completely empty of any on-cells.

All child nodes are guaranteed to be defined before the parent node
is defined (depth-first traversal).  The last node of the file is
the root node.

So a simple glider:


is represented with

[M1] (hlife 0.95)
4 0 1 0 2

Open Questions

Hashlife is great when it works, but when it doesn't, it really
doesn't.  A simple example of when it doesn't is 

   hlife -r 2/1 -m 512 dot.lif

where dot.lif is simply


To compute generation 512, hlife takes 18 seconds and consumes >140M
of memory and generates more than 6M nodes!  By comparison, qlife
takes only 1.6 seconds and consumes <1M of memory.

A lot of this speed discrepancy is probably just due to the fact that
hlife really thrashes the TLB and data cache, where qlife does very
well with the TLB and data cache.  But the discrepency in memory
consumption is quite dramatic.

Specifically, hashlife is a recursive algorithm that
gains its speed through the use of a cache.  This cache means that
essentially every (really every other) generation of a highly
chaotic pattern is stored in memory.

If hlife starts garbage collecting a lot (where a lot is perhaps
more than about 20 times per step), then things can get even slower,
even exponentially slower, as garbage collecting the cache turns
the polynomial-time cached recursive algorithm into an
exponential-time recursive algorithm.

So, an interesting question is, is there is a hybrid or other
algorithm that has the speed and performance of hlife when the pattern
is regular, but the speed and performance of qlife (or a normal life
algorithm) when the pattern is not?  Perhaps an algorithm that
adapts?  I do not yet have an answer, but I'm working on one!